Sunday 20 November 2011

Fruit with Attitude for the Teacher

I have finished knitting the last of the fruit with the help of my creative kids.  Patterns will hopefully be up in a couple of weeks after exams are marked and reports are written. 

Here is the fruity class of 2011.  The apple in front has a lot of attitude, so look out for him and Bashful Banana is a rather shy girl.  Note how she is wearing her peel pulled up.

Fruit Medley Class Photo

Apple Friends Forever

Merry Melon and Alan Apple are
 very tough lads in their workboots

Bashful Banana is about to pirouette 
off  into the distance on her ballet slippers

Ainslie (5) even discovered that they stack with ease as well.

Watch out Ainslie that stack
is about to topple over

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